Data Entry Protocol and File Format
Key Entry Terminal Display
Each Computer Entry program (also "program") will operate in two modes: "set-up" and "contest". Upon initial execution each program will operate in set-up mode. Set-up mode will permit contest officials to prepare the program for the contest. To that end, while in set-up mode the program will:-
1. request a file name to append the transcripts of the interaction to;
2. assume that "judge00" is at the terminal and prepare an initial comment;
3. prompt with a sign "+" requesting a response from "judge00" (contest official);
4. interact with judge00 in the normal way with the sole difference that the + sign is used as the prompt;
5. write a transcript to the specified file as usual. Contest mode.
Upon receipt of the string "@@T[CR][CR]" the program will toggle to "contest" mode and behave as follows:-
1. The key sequence @,@,T,[CR][CR] when entered in response to a ">" or "+" prompt terminates the conversation with the current Judge, and will cause the program to clear the screen, prompt with a "?" and await the next Judge.
2. The key sequence @,@,nn,[CR][CR](nn=01-99) when entered in response to a ">" or "?" prompt will indicate that a new Judge, Judge nn, is now entering data. Each Judge will thus identify himself/herself when moving to a new terminal.
3. The program will make an initial response to the Judges' input.
4. The program's response may be multiline.
5. Upon completion of the program's response, the program will prompt the Judge for input.
6. The computer will prompt the Judge with a ">" character and then echo on the screen, character by character, the Judge's entry.
7. Judges' questions and comments can be multiline. Each question or comment will be entered one line at a time. Each line will be terminated by a carriage return [CR]. Judges will key in questions and comments in response to a ">" prompt from the program.
8. Entry of two consecutive carriage returns will indicate that the Judge's question or comment is complete and that the terminal (program or human) must respond.
9. The terminal will display character data in a monotype font (all characters of equal width).
10. The key sequence @,@,X,[CR],[CR] when entered in response to a ">" or "?" prompt will cause the program to exit. EXAMPLE: Assume program is responding to current interaction with Judge 3. [some program comment-completed] >@@04[CR](New Judge, number 4) >[CR](two lines required) Welcome Judge 4 (Comment by program (or human) >Do you think that the [CR](Multiline question from Judge 4) >Republicans can succeed [CR] (question continued line 2) >in winning the White House? [CR](question ended (first [CR]) >[CR](second [CR]) Only if Newt succeeds in. (Answer, line 1) Developing a more tolerant image. (Answer, line 2) >(Cursor waits for input ">" prompt - Judge to respond)